It’s the middle of August, and that means students across America are flooding back to their universities. As they do, college towns’ cafes, bars, and stores will come back to life — and students will, once again, be taking Lyft rides to get to them.
So, we wondered: Could we get a sense of different schools’ student bodies by looking at their towns’ Lyft ride data?
We dug into the last school year of Lyft rides, filtering for those that began or ended at a university building, dormitory, or fraternity. While we can’t comment on which of these schools have the best academics, or even the most school spirit, we did uncover some other surprising superlatives…
Finest Foodies: California Polytechnic State University
Trader Joe’s is the most popular grocery store for students to hail a Lyft ride to, followed by Ralph’s and then Whole Foods. Whole Foods, you exclaim? Which college students are riding to Whole Foods? The foodie crown goes to students in San Luis Obispo, California, aka California Polytechnic State University.

Biggest Fast Food Fans: University of South Alabama
Students and fast food go together like hot dogs and mustard. But which college students are most likely to take a Lyft ride to a fast food restaurant? Students at the University of South Alabama — for whom, it seems, the (taco) bell tolls. Here’s a list of other fast-food-ophiles — and their top brands of choice.

Special shoutout to the healthy students in Corpus Christie, Texas, whose favorite fast food joint is Smoothie King.
And the sweetest tooth? University of Chicago students, residing in Chicago, Illinois, who are most likely to take a Lyft ride to Insomnia Cookies.
Biggest Book Worms: University of Chicago
Students from the University of Chicago were also most likely to take Lyft rides to and from the library. In fact, the Joseph Regenstein Library was the second-most popular non-residential destination for Chicago students, coming in just after Target.

Biggest Nature Lovers: University of Hawaii at Manoa
Students in Honolulu, Hawaii are intrepid, willing to travel (on average) over 5 miles to get to the park.

Biggest Beach Bums: University of San Diego
The student body in San Diego, California is most likely to head to the beach, in particular Amtrak-Solana Beach.

Most Loyal Regulars: University of Georgia, Athens
Drinking is a favorite college pastime, but which students are most likely to loyally frequent their local bar? Cheers to the University of Georgia for making Bourbon Street the place where everyone knows its name.

A special shout-out to the dedicated students of Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas, who are most likely to drink on a Monday — at Louie’s Lounge and Laundromat. What better way to get your laundry done than with a cold one!
Latest Night Owls: University of Miami
Students in Miami, Florida are most likely to stay at a bar until the wee wee hours: 40% of Lyft rides from bars to campus occur after 2 a.m.
Meanwhile, the earliest to bed, the sleepiest students, hail from Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minnesota. Given the harsh temperatures during the school year, no wonder they want to crawl right back under their covers!

Biggest “Herbivores”: Arizona State University Tempe
Students hailing from Phoenix, Arizona were most likely to take a Lyft ride to a destination with “dispensary” in the name.

Most Cinephiles: Augustana College
The movies are alive and well out in South Dakota, where students in Sioux Falls head to the movies with gusto. Believe it or not, they’re eight times more likely to hit the theater than students in Los Angeles.

Coolest Fashionistas: Connecticut College
Students in Norwich, Connecticut (namely, Connecticut College) are the most likely to snag a Lyft ride to a vintage store.

Most Likely to Be in Leggings: University of Kentucky
These athleisure-loving students in Lexington, Kentucky are the most likely to shop at Lululemon. In fact, over 20% of all Lyft rides to the Lexington Lululemon come from the wildcats.

Biggest Pet Lovers: Shoreline Community College
Students in Seattle, Washington — particularly those at Shoreline Community College — love spoiling their animals with many trips to the pet store.

Biggest Romantics: Norfolk State University
Students in Virginia Beach, Virginia, are the most likely to call a Lyft ride to or from a restaurant on Valentine’s Day. Aww. Virginia really is for lovers!