So you have questions about bikes?
How does BIKETOWN work in the Lyft app?
How does BIKETOWN work in the Lyft app?
How much does it cost to ride a bike?
How much does it cost to ride a bike?
How do I find bikes/docks in the app?
How do I find bikes/docks in the app?
Can I use my BIKETOWN membership to unlock a bike in the Lyft app?
Can I use my BIKETOWN membership to unlock a bike in the Lyft app?
Where can I ride a bike?
Where can I ride a bike?
What are the requirements to ride a bike?
What are the requirements to ride a bike?
How do I unlock a bike?
How do I unlock a bike?
Where can I park a bike?
Where can I park a bike?
How do I end a ride?
How do I end a ride?
Can I unlock a BIKETOWN bike for my friend, too?
Can I unlock a BIKETOWN bike for my friend, too?
How do I report a broken bike?
How do I report a broken bike?
Do you offer any discounted plans or flat-rate rides?
Do you offer any discounted plans or flat-rate rides?
Can I request a bike ride from my computer?
Can I request a bike ride from my computer?
What are the legal documents for bikes?
What are the legal documents for bikes?
What about helmet safety?
What about helmet safety?