The Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre, originally brought to New York in 1996, has earned itself the reputation as New York City's best comedy club, bringing world-renowned comedy acts, classes, and open mics to New Yorkers for over a decade...
If traveling for business or leisure, Courtyard by Marriott® in Farmingdale/Melville is near corporate businesses such as Canon,Telephonics,Henry Schein & Estee Lauder. Close to Macy's, Saks, Bethpage State Park, Hamptons, & Jones Beach. Free WIFI.
How far is it from Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre to Courtyard Republic Airport Long Island/Farmingdale?
How do I schedule a Lyft ride from Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre to Courtyard Republic Airport Long Island/Farmingdale?
How many passengers can ride in a Lyft?
How many passengers can ride in a Lyft Shared ride?
How many passengers can ride in a Lyft XL?