We are Unidos, Lyft’s Latinx Employee Resource Group, and we’re so excited to kick off 2023’s Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month!
While the past year has brought many challenges, it is a new day – un nuevo día – here at Lyft. New leaders, new purpose and a new commitment to bring people together inspired us to select “Un nuevo día” as our theme this year. When the sun rises on a new day, there is the promise of great things to come and the chance to start anew. We can draw inspiration from this to reimagine our teams, our company and our community in a way that brings people together.
We are deeply committed to representation, uplifting those who identify as Latinx/Hispanic and supporting your career journey here at Lyft. Together we want to be the voice of progress when it comes to representation and visibility of our community in Lyft’s day-to-day business operations. That starts with our incoming Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), @felipeavila, the newest member of the PDT. We cannot tell you how happy we are to see Latinx representation in our leadership team!
We also want to share that we have identified a new mission statement for our ERG and a new list of core values. Our mission is to empower and support Hispanic/Latinx identifying individuals and their allies within Lyft to advocate for greater inclusion and opportunities within the company. Our values include:
Empowerment: We want to empower all Hispanic/Latinx employees and allies to express their cultural heritage, identify injustice and support others on their career journeys.
Advocacy: We want to advocate for individuals and causes that support the Hispanic/Latinx community inside Lyft as well as in the broader community.
Visibility: We want to raise the profile of Hispanic/Latinx individuals here at Lyft through education, engagement, and programs that celebrate our diversity, history and contributions to both the company and society at large.
Knowledge: We want to share knowledge with other members of the Hispanic/Latinx community here at Lyft to help them on their career journeys.
Social Impact: We want to have an impact on the policies, perspectives and actions of Lyft in a way that encourages greater engagement and enrichment for members of the Hispanic/Latinx communities in which Lyft operates. We also want to be a visible example of why diversity is important and continue to fight against racism and prejudice in all forms.
This year’s Latinx Heritage Month is just the start of a year of programming that we’re committed to providing to enhance your time here at Lyft. During the month, which kicks off on September 15, 2023, we will: conduct an inclusion circle on overcoming limiting beliefs, launch the pilot for Mordisquitos (little bites) to provide bite size training (15 minutes) on topics that can help you advance your career and host a networking social. In the months ahead, we will host more fireside chats, conduct additional town hall meetings to gather feedback and continue to partner with other ERGs; ultimately turning your input into action.
A new day is the start of something special for all of us here in Unidos. A day we face united.
Belen, Alfredo, Larry, and Mike
Unidos Leads
UpLyft Unidos is an employee resource group (ERG) to support awareness, greater inclusion and other opportunities for Hispanic/Latinx identifying individuals and their allies within Lyft. We seek to ensure that the community is fairly represented in our workspace, on the Lyft platform and beyond.