Personal miles are the miles you drive when you’re offline — when you’re not waiting for requests or giving rides — such as when you’re running personal errands. Your Flexdrive rental has built-in mileage tracking. It’s connected to your Lyft app so you can see how many personal miles you’ve driven and how many personal miles you have left in your pricing plan.
A quick note: The example shown here may not match the pricing and personal miles plans in your region.
If you’re on a Flexdrive limited personal miles plan:
When you’re offline, you can swipe up to see how many personal miles you’ve driven, and how many are included in your current pricing plan.
In this example, you’ve driven 45 personal miles from the 200 Personal Miles plan. If it’s your first week renting from Express Drive, the personal miles in your plan will be prorated by the number of days you rented during your first week.
Tap Personal miles to see more details, including how many miles you’ve driven from the pricing plan you selected and how many miles are left in your plan.
In this example, you’ve driven 45 personal miles from the 200 Personal Miles plan and you have 155 personal miles left. You’ll also see when your personal miles usage was last updated. In this example, it was updated 5 minutes ago. Personal miles tracking updates every 5 miles, as well as every time you turn your engine on or off.
All pricing plans reset every Monday at 4:59 AM.
We’ll send you a text message as well as a notification in your app when you have 50 personal miles left in the plan you selected. If you need to go over the personal miles in your plan, you can always get extra — just pay as you go.
If you go over the personal miles included in your plan, we’ll send you a text message as well as a notification in your app.You can change your plan from week to week in your Lyft Driver app, and the new plan will go into effect the following Monday at 5 AM. Change your plan.
In the Pricing plan section of your app, you’ll be able to see how many of your extra personal miles you’ve driven.
In this example, you’ve driven 40 personal miles out of the additional 50 personal miles you purchased.
If you go over the personal miles included in your plan, we’ll add the extra personal miles fee plus any applicable taxes to the minimum amount you need to earn to cash out with Express Pay. Head to your Earnings tab ($) to see how much you’ve earned toward your weekly rental costs and how much more you need to earn to unlock Express Pay.
In this example, $25 plus tax in extra personal miles fee was added to the weekly rental cost, which now totals $244.68 with earnings of $189.50.
If you’re on a Flexdrive Unlimited plan:
When you’re offline, swipe up to see which pricing plan you’ve selected. Tap Personal miles to see how many miles you’ve driven that week.
On the Pricing plan section of your app, you’ll see how many personal miles you’ve driven that week.
In this example, you’ve driven 45 personal miles and are on the Unlimited plan. You’ll also see when your personal miles usage was last updated. In this example, it was updated 5 minutes ago. Personal miles tracking updates every 5 miles, as well as every time you turn your engine on or off.
All pricing plans reset every Monday at 4:59 AM. If you selected a pricing plan, click below from your phone to track your miles.