
Scheduled Ride Streaks

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View Upcoming Streak Bonus Hours

We’re always looking for ways to improve your driving experience. Streak bonuses are one of our most popular driver incentives and we’ve heard that you’d like more advance notice for these opportunities.

Now you can view streak bonuses hours for up to a week ahead of time — just check the ‘Earnings’ tab in the app. Whether you like to plan out the week or just go day-by-day, you’ll know when you can earn extra for accepting back-to-back rides.

We’ll let you know in the app and via SMS when new streak bonus times are posted, so keep an eye out. See you on the road!

How It Works

To earn a streak bonus, follow these easy steps:


Step 1

Visit the ‘Earnings’ tab in your app to view any upcoming streak bonus hours and the number of rides required for each streak.

Step 2

Pick up or accept your first ride during any of the posted times.

Step 3

Stay online and accept each ride until you hit your bonus. Begin each streak within the scheduled times to keep earning!

Streak Bonus FAQ

Sounds exciting. What’s a streak?

A ride streak means you complete each ride that gets sent to you (while staying online the entire time).

How will I know if a streak bonus is available?

We’ll send you a SMS when the bonuses are available. You’ll also be able to see active streaks and track your progress when you’re online in the Lyft Driver app.

What if I don’t finish my streak within the allotted timeframe?

No problem. As long as your first ride started within the bonus hour, your streak still counts.

Where can I see my streak bonus?

Your streak bonus will be added to the last ride of your streak, and available to cash out immediately with Express Pay. So, if you had a 3-ride streak, your bonus would be added to the third ride.

How do Line pickups work?

Every Line pickup counts towards your streak. For instance, if you pick up three passengers during your Line route, that would qualify as three rides towards your streak.

Am I limited to only completing one streak?

You can complete and receive bonuses for multiple streaks as long as the first ride is accepted within the hour.

How would I break a streak (and lose the bonus)?

Going offline, missing a ride request, or canceling a ride will cause you to break a streak.

What if a passenger cancels the ride?

The short answer: You will not be penalized. If a passenger cancels, that ride will not count towards the streak, nor will it break your streak.

Got it. Can you give me an example of how the bonus works?

Definitely! Let’s use Joanna as an example.

Joanna checks her app and sees that there’s an active ride streak bonus hour from 8 AM-9 AM that requires a 3-ride streak for a $10 bonus. So, she goes online, gets her first ride at 8:45 AM, and accepts the next two rides after that. Because she hit her 3-ride streak, she’ll see a $10 bonus added to her earnings on the third ride.

Note: Joanna simply needs to accept or pick up the first ride between 8 AM-9 AM to start the streak, and complete any two rides that are sent her way. As long as the first ride starts during the bonus hour(s), the streak counts! If Joanna ends up giving nine rides in a row, she’ll get a bonus for each 3-ride streak.