We're giving you more information to help you decide if a ride is worth accepting. You’ll see “Est. $/hr rate for this ride” at the bottom of the ride request in most regions. This estimate shows how much you’d earn if the ride was 1 hour long. It includes time spent picking up and dropping off only, and isn’t a guarantee of your actual hourly earnings.
More info up front. See the estimate on your ride requests when you’re deciding if you want the ride.
Simple decision-making. Use this info to decide whether to accept the ride.
Transparency after the ride. See your actual earnings per hour on the receipt after each ride is complete.
How “Est. $/hr rate for this ride” is calculated
We divide the expected earnings by the estimated total time to complete the ride. Then, we multiply that by 60 to show what the earnings would be if the ride was one hour long.
For example, if the expected earnings for a ride is $20 and the estimated total time to complete the ride is 30 minutes, you’ll see “Est. $40/hr rate for this ride.”
Why does the estimate vary on each ride?
The expected earnings for a ride depends on the details of the trip and what’s going on in your area. For example, the number of ride requests, how many drivers are on the road, and how busy it is at the destination.
Is this “Est. $/hr rate for this ride” guaranteed?
No, the estimate provides information to make it easier for you to decide which rides you want. It’s not a guarantee of your actual hourly earnings.
What’s included in the estimated earnings?
The estimated earnings for the ride is shown on the ride request. It doesn’t include multi-ride bonuses, tips, or any earnings added after the ride is complete.
The expected total time to complete the ride is also shown on the ride request. It includes time spent picking up and dropping off the passenger. It doesn’t include time spent offline or waiting for a ride request.
Why was my actual $/hr rate different than the estimate?
The amount may be different from the estimate if ride details change, like if the ride is shorter or longer than expected. You can review the original estimate and the actual earnings per hour on the ride receipt after the ride is complete.