Lyft News

The Ride to Vote: Use Lyft to Exercise Your Rights

Aug 23, 2018
To ride to vote image

At Lyft, we’re working to improve lives by connecting people and their communities through the world’s best transportation. This Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 6), we want to help people across America exercise their right to vote.

It is estimated that over 15 million people were registered but didn’t vote in 2016 because of transportation issues. That’s why we’re committed to providing 50% off rides across the country, and free rides to underserved communities that face significant obstacles to transportation. More details on our plan:

  • Across the country, we’ll give away 50% off promo codes with our partners that encourage voter turnout. We’re thrilled to be working with, Nonprofit Vote, TurboVote and more to help distribute codes to those who need them. We’ll also have a product integration to help passengers find their polling location.

  • For underserved communities, we’ll provide rides free of cost through nonpartisan, nonprofit partners, including Voto Latino, local Urban League affiliates, the National Federation of the Blind, Faith in Action, League of Women Voters, and the Student Vets of America.

We know that getting to the polls is only one part of the voting process. We’re also committed to making it easier to register to vote and learn about important ballot initiatives. We’re partnering with When We All Vote and National Voter Registration Day to ensure Lyft’s passengers, drivers, and broader community are prepared for Election Day. We’ll:

  • Remind Lyft passengers about voter registration deadlines using various social media and platform tools (e.g. push notifications)

  • Give drivers voter registration handouts and key voter information at Hub locations

  • Offer in-office voter registration for employees at our offices

  • Encourage our community to make a plan in advance for Election Day,

    which has a proven impact on voter turnout rates

We are encouraging minimal meetings for Lyft employees who plan to vote on Election Day. Both full and part time employees can take time off to vote.

And to thank Lyft drivers for helping voters get to the polls on election day, Lyft will be surprising select drivers across the country who give rides on November 6 with a special gift. Of course, we encourage all drivers to set aside enough time to cast their own votes (or vote ahead of time via absentee ballot).

Your voice is important! We’re excited to help make it heard in this year’s elections.


*50% off promo codes are good for up to $5 off any Lyft ride to a polling location, including registered dropbox locations if you are in an exclusively vote-by-mail state. Limited quantity available. Valid 5:00 AM-11:59 PM local time on Nov. 6, 2018. Limit one per user. Lyft promo codes and discounts are offered in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and cannot be combined with other ride credit or offers. Offer of promo code is not intended to induce, nor is it conditioned on, the act of voting, or voting for or against any particular person or measure. Subject to Lyft's Terms of Use. Polling location information powered by Google Civic Information API.