New Jersey Ride Costs

Base fare$1.21
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$1.09
Cost per minute$0.19
Maximum fare$400.00
Minimum fare$4.69
Scheduled ride cancel penalty$10.00
Scheduled ride minimum fare$4.95
Service fee$3.45
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Lyft XL
Base fare$1.50
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$1.30
Cost per minute$0.33
Maximum fare$400.00
Minimum fare$6.00
Scheduled ride cancel penalty$10.00
Scheduled ride minimum fare$6.00
Service fee$2.60
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Extra Comfort
Base fare$1.65
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$1.43
Cost per minute$0.36
Maximum fare$500.00
Minimum fare$6.60
Scheduled ride cancel penalty$10.00
Scheduled ride minimum fare$7.75
Service fee$3.65
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Lux Black
Base fare$7.00
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$3.81
Cost per minute$0.65
Maximum fare$700.00
Minimum fare$15.00
Scheduled ride cancel penalty$10.00
Scheduled ride minimum fare$15.00
Service fee$2.30
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Lux Black XL
Base fare$14.75
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$2.92
Cost per minute$1.42
Maximum fare$700.00
Minimum fare$25.75
Scheduled ride cancel penalty$10.00
Scheduled ride minimum fare$25.75
Service fee$2.30
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies

Subregion Ride Costs

Base fare$2.45
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$1.82
Cost per minute$0.17
Maximum fare$400.00
Minimum fare$7.42
Service fee$3.55
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Lyft XL
Base fare$3.75
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$2.54
Cost per minute$0.33
Maximum fare$400.00
Minimum fare$11.00
Service fee$2.80
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Extra Comfort
Base fare$5.50
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$3.10
Cost per minute$0.30
Maximum fare$500.00
Minimum fare$12.00
Service fee$3.30
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies

Subregion Ride Costs

Base fare$2.45
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$1.82
Cost per minute$0.17
Maximum fare$400.00
Minimum fare$7.42
Service fee$3.55
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Lyft XL
Base fare$3.75
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$2.54
Cost per minute$0.33
Maximum fare$400.00
Minimum fare$11.00
Service fee$2.80
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies
Extra Comfort
Base fare$5.50
Cancel Penalty‡Varies
Cost per mile$3.10
Cost per minute$0.30
Maximum fare$500.00
Minimum fare$12.00
Service fee$3.30
Toll Fares†Varies
Airport Fees‡Varies

Sample fares are estimates only and do not reflect variations due to discounts, traffic delays or other factors. Actual fares may vary. You agree to pay the fare shown upon confirming your ride request. If your route or destination changes on trip, your fare may change based on the rates above and other applicable taxes, tolls, charges and adjustments. Subject to Lyft’s Terms of Service.

If your upfront price for a ride looks high, it might be busier than usual. This can happen when there are more ride requests than available drivers.

Lyft’s coverage does not apply to New York drivers, who are licensed by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission ("TLC"), including when those drivers give rides in markets outside New York, such as New Jersey and Connecticut. Those drivers are required to maintain separate commercial automobile insurance, with limits prescribed under TLC regulations, that may be less than those provided by our policies.
Lyft’s background check requirements do not apply to drivers who are licensed by the NYC Taxi and Limousine Commission ("TLC"), including when those drivers give rides in markets outside New York City, such as New Jersey and Connecticut. Those drivers undergo background checks and vehicle inspections required by the NYC TLC.

†Applicable tolls and surcharges may also be added to your fare. The maximum base fare (based on cost per minute and mile but excluding applicable Prime Time) is $200. Return tolls will be added to westbound trips through or across the Holland Tunnel, Lincoln Tunnel, George Washington Bridge, Goethals Bridge, and Outerbridge Crossing. A $20 surcharge, which includes tolls, is added to the fare on all trips between New York City and New Jersey. If the trip begins in New Jersey and crosses the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge there is an additional $19 surcharge, for a total of $39 added to the price which again includes tolls. Commencing October 1, 2018, there is imposed on a transportation network company rider a surcharge of $0.50 upon every prearranged ride that originates and terminates within New Jersey, except that only a $0.25 surcharge is imposed on the rider of a shared ride.

‡Trips to or from JFK, LGA, and EWR are subject to a $2.50 surcharge. Trips to or from ACY Airport are subject to a $1.00 surcharge.

In some cases Lyft may quote you a fare at the time of your request instead of the variable rates above.If during your ride you change your destination, make multiple stops, or attempt to abuse the Lyft Platform, we may cancel the fare quote and charge you a variable fare based on the time and distance of your ride.\n\nApplicable tolls and surcharges may also be added to your fare.\n\nWait time fees may apply at a per minute rate 2 min after your driver arrives at pickup (or 2 min after the original pickup time if they arrive early). Riders with a valid waiver for disability are exempt.\n\nOther charges, like driver bonuses, may also be added to your fare.